[reSIProcate] A newbie question

Sam Ganesan bilbo at cetusnet.net
Wed Jun 2 05:21:47 CDT 2004


Pardon me if this is the wrong forum.  I have been working with the NIST  
java sip stack and found it to be lacking in speed for some of the things  
I do. I have sort of been away from c and c++ programming for almost 7  
years.  Trying to get back into c++ with resiprocate for an application i  
want to write.

I was looking through the code... "It is multithreaded" but is there a max  
thread count? Are these threads pre-spawned or are they spawned as  
necessary...  Any help greatly appreciated.  I did not join the list  
because if this is the developers forum I am not one. I did not see a  
users list.  I apologize if this is the wrong list to post to

Sam Ganesan

"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.... Jung"

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