[reSIProcate] More memory leaks...

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Wed May 26 14:53:32 CDT 2004

On 26 May 2004, at 09:31, Scott Godin wrote:

> I finally got to the bottom of the next leak - it was a tough one to 
> find.  I'm not sure if it exists or not in other OS's, and I need 
> peoples opinions on the best fix for it - to make sure it works on all 
> OS's.  Here is the problem:
> [snip]

Thanks Scott -- I have some concerns with the order of things in the 
proposed ctor, but I suppose we can see if the leak even exists under 
Mac OS/X and Linux 1st. If that's not the case, we can just ifdef as 
you proposed.

> PS.  Even with these last two leaks I've posted fixed there still 
> seems to be more.  Back to the drawing board I guess.  Has anyone ever 
> tested for memory leaks on other platforms?

Oh yes -- we are currently in the middle of this, so perhaps we should 
take care to post our findings on this list (as should anyone delving 
into memory issues) to best co-ordinate our attacks.
IOW, we will post to the list as our performance and memory work start 
to reveal issues.

Thanks again.



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