Re: [reSIProcate-users] Memory leak with receive OPTIONS
Hi Karlsson,
First off you should never really look at a 1 minute window for memory leaks this way. There are things that are held onto in the stack for regular and duplicate transaction/dialog processing that are only cleared after timers expire. You should be looking at a more longer term trend.
Secondly, OPTIONs messages are out of dialog requests, and you do not have a server out of dialog handler handler in your recvOptions program. So there are no responses between sent by your receiver, this will leak.
We used the test source code of resip to send & recieve the OPTIONS, seems there has the memory like after the resip received large amounts OPTIONS.
Please find attached the source code.
We run the test as below :
recvOptions sip:116@localip 116 111111 localip sip:115@localip:5060
sendOptions sip:116@localip 116 111111 localip sip:115@localip:5060
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