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Hello, I have successfully tested TURN client
reTurn/client/test/TestAsyncClient.cxx in UDP mode, however, somehow, the TLS
mode always fails. From the shell screen of
turnserver, I can see that the TCP/TLS connection has been established
successfully, so the cert file (the ca.perm in the
same directory) seems to be confirmed ok: 0:
IPv4. TCP listener opened on : 0:
IPv4. TCP listener opened on : 18:
IPv4. tcp or tls connected to: But then nothing happens,
the onConnectSuccess or Failure events of the TestAsyncClient.cxx are not
observed. I am wondering why? I am not sure if my TURN server was started
correctly? Or TestAsyncClient.cxx needs some extra
work? Can someone help me to figure out? My setup is like
this: TestAsyncClient is running at turnserver at UDP echo server at (should I use a TCP echo server as test peer instead?) Turn Server Start script: turnserver -v --log-file /tmp/turn.log -f --min-port=32355
--max-port=65535 --no-stun=1 -r ip:port -c /etc/turnserver/turnserver.conf
--cert /home/tom/workspace/resiprocate-1.9.10/reTurn/client/test/ca.pem Turn Client Start script: #TestAsyncClient 3479 INFO | 20000705-060733.809
| | RESIP:DNS | 1075036160 | DnsUtil.cxx:233 | Local IP address for
is INFO | 20000705-060733.813
| | RESIP:TEST | 1075036160 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:279 | Using
as local IP address. Attached is the trace captured on the TURN server, TCP packet
#546 ~ 552 are for communication
establishment between TURN server ( and client (
I used “ip.addr==” as packet filter for
Wireshark. Tom Statement Of Confidentiality: This electronic message transmission, and all attachments, contains information from Extron Electronics which is confidential and privileged. The information is for the exclusive viewing or use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by a "reply to sender only" message and destroy all electronic and hard copies of the communication, including attachments. |
Description: Binary data
#ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(disable : 4267) #endif #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <asio.hpp> #include <asio/ssl.hpp> #include <rutil/ThreadIf.hxx> #include "../../StunTuple.hxx" #include "../../StunMessage.hxx" #include "../TurnUdpSocket.hxx" #include "../TurnAsyncTcpSocket.hxx" #include "../TurnAsyncTlsSocket.hxx" #include "../TurnAsyncUdpSocket.hxx" #include "../TurnAsyncSocketHandler.hxx" #include <rutil/Logger.hxx> #include <rutil/DnsUtil.hxx> #include <rutil/WinLeakCheck.hxx> using namespace reTurn; using namespace std; #define RESIPROCATE_SUBSYSTEM resip::Subsystem::TEST //#define CONTINUOUSTESTMODE resip::Data address; void sleepSeconds(unsigned int seconds) { #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(seconds*1000); #else sleep(seconds); #endif } // Simple UDP Echo Server class TurnPeer : public resip::ThreadIf { public: TurnPeer() {} virtual ~TurnPeer() {} virtual void thread() { asio::error_code rc; TurnUdpSocket turnSocket(asio::ip::address::from_string(address.c_str()), 2000); char buffer[1024]; unsigned int size = sizeof(buffer); asio::ip::address sourceAddress; unsigned short sourcePort; bool connected = false; // Receive Data rc=turnSocket.receive(buffer, size, 1000, &sourceAddress, &sourcePort); while((!rc || rc.value() == asio::error::operation_aborted) && !isShutdown()) { if(!rc) { if(!connected) { turnSocket.connect(sourceAddress.to_string(), sourcePort); connected = true; } InfoLog(<< "PEER: Received data from " << sourceAddress.to_string() << ":" << sourcePort << " - [" << resip::Data(buffer, size).c_str() << "]"); turnSocket.send(buffer, size); } size = sizeof(buffer); rc=turnSocket.receive(buffer, size, 1000, &sourceAddress, &sourcePort); } if(rc) { if(rc.value() != asio::error::operation_aborted) { ErrLog(<< "PEER: Receive error: " << rc.message()); } } } private: }; class MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler : public TurnAsyncSocketHandler { public: MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler() : mNumReceives(0) {} virtual ~MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler() {} virtual void onConnectSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::ip::address& address, unsigned short port) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onConnectSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc << ", address=" << address.to_string() << ", port=" << port); // mTurnAsyncSocket->bindRequest(); mTurnAsyncSocket->createAllocation(30, // TurnAsyncSocket::UnspecifiedLifetime, TurnAsyncSocket::UnspecifiedBandwidth, StunMessage::PropsPortPair, TurnAsyncSocket::UnspecifiedToken, StunTuple::UDP); } virtual void onConnectFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onConnectFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onSharedSecretSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc, const char* username, unsigned int usernameSize, const char* password, unsigned int passwordSize) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onSharedSecretSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc << ", username=" << username << ", password=" << password); } virtual void onSharedSecretFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onSharedSecretFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onBindSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc, const StunTuple& reflexiveTuple, const StunTuple& stunServerTuple) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onBindingSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc << ", reflexive=" << reflexiveTuple << ", serverTuple=" << stunServerTuple); mTurnAsyncSocket->createAllocation(30, // TurnAsyncSocket::UnspecifiedLifetime, TurnAsyncSocket::UnspecifiedBandwidth, StunMessage::PropsPortPair, TurnAsyncSocket::UnspecifiedToken, StunTuple::UDP); } virtual void onBindFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e, const StunTuple& stunServerTuple) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onBindingFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << "). serverTuple=" << stunServerTuple); } virtual void onAllocationSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc, const StunTuple& reflexiveTuple, const StunTuple& relayTuple, unsigned int lifetime, unsigned int bandwidth, UInt64 reservationToken) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onAllocationSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc << ", reflexive=" << reflexiveTuple << ", relay=" << relayTuple << ", lifetime=" << lifetime << ", bandwidth=" << bandwidth << ", reservationToken=" << reservationToken); // Test Data sending and receiving over allocation resip::Data turnData("This test is for wrapped Turn Data!"); InfoLog( << "CLIENT: Sending: " << turnData); mTurnAsyncSocket->sendTo(asio::ip::address::from_string(address.c_str()), 2000, turnData.c_str(), turnData.size()+1); // mTurnAsyncSocket->sendTo(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 2000, turnData.c_str(), turnData.size()+1); turnData = "This test should be in ChannelData message in TCP/TLS but not in UDP - since ChannelBindResponse is not yet received."; InfoLog( << "CLIENT: Sending: " << turnData); mTurnAsyncSocket->setActiveDestination(asio::ip::address::from_string(address.c_str()), 2000); // mTurnAsyncSocket->setActiveDestination(asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 2000); mTurnAsyncSocket->send(turnData.c_str(), turnData.size()+1); } virtual void onAllocationFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onAllocationFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onRefreshSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc, unsigned int lifetime) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onRefreshSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc << ", lifetime=" << lifetime); if(lifetime == 0) { mTurnAsyncSocket->close(); } } virtual void onRefreshFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onRefreshFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onSetActiveDestinationSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onSetActiveDestinationSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc); } virtual void onSetActiveDestinationFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onSetActiveDestinationFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onClearActiveDestinationSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onClearActiveDestinationSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc); } virtual void onClearActiveDestinationFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onClearActiveDestinationFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onChannelBindRequestSent(unsigned int socketDesc, unsigned short channelNumber) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onChannelBindRequestSent: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " channelNumber=" << channelNumber); } virtual void onChannelBindSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc, unsigned short channelNumber) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onChannelBindSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " channelNumber=" << channelNumber); } virtual void onChannelBindFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { WarningLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onChannelBindFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onSendSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc) { //InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onSendSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc); } virtual void onSendFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onSendFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onReceiveSuccess(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::ip::address& address, unsigned short port, boost::shared_ptr<DataBuffer>& data) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onReceiveSuccess: socketDest=" << socketDesc << ", fromAddress=" << address.to_string() << ", fromPort=" << port << ", size=" << data->size() << ", data=" << data->data()); switch(++mNumReceives) { case 1: break; case 2: { resip::Data turnData("This test is for ChannelData message!"); InfoLog( << "CLIENT: Sending2: " << turnData); mTurnAsyncSocket->send(turnData.c_str(), turnData.size()+1); } break; case 3: #ifdef CONTINUOUSTESTMODE default: { sleepSeconds(1); resip::Data turnData("This test is for ChannelData message!"); InfoLog( << "CLIENT: Sending3: " << turnData); mTurnAsyncSocket->send(turnData.c_str(), turnData.size()+1); } #else mTurnAsyncSocket->destroyAllocation(); InfoLog( << "CLIENT: destroyAllocation() called"); #endif //mTurnAsyncSocket->close(); break; } } virtual void onReceiveFailure(unsigned int socketDesc, const asio::error_code& e) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onReceiveFailure: socketDest=" << socketDesc << " error=" << e.value() << "(" << e.message() << ")."); } virtual void onIncomingBindRequestProcessed(unsigned int socketDesc, const StunTuple& sourceTuple) { InfoLog( << "MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onIncomingBindRequestProcessed: socketDest=" << socketDesc << ", sourceTuple=" << sourceTuple); } void setTurnAsyncSocket(TurnAsyncSocket* turnAsyncSocket) { mTurnAsyncSocket = turnAsyncSocket; } private: TurnAsyncSocket* mTurnAsyncSocket; unsigned int mNumReceives; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if defined(WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) && defined(LEAK_CHECK) resip::FindMemoryLeaks fml; #endif //resip::Log::initialize(resip::Log::Cout, resip::Log::Stack, argv[0]); try { address = resip::DnsUtil::getLocalIpAddress(); // default if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) { std::cerr << "Usage: TestAsyncClient <turn host> <turn port> [<local address>]\n"; return 1; } unsigned int port = resip::Data(argv[2]).convertUnsignedLong(); if(argc==4) { address = argv[3]; } InfoLog(<< "Using " << address << " as local IP address."); asio::error_code rc; char username[256] = "test"; char password[256] = "1234"; TurnPeer turnPeer; turnPeer.run(); asio::io_service ioService; MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler handler; // Setup SSL context asio::ssl::context sslContext(ioService, asio::ssl::context::tlsv1); // Enable certificate validation sslContext.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::context::verify_peer | // Verify the peer. asio::ssl::context::verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert); // Fail verification if the peer has no certificate. sslContext.load_verify_file("/root/ca.pem"); //boost::shared_ptr<TurnAsyncSocket> turnSocket(new TurnAsyncUdpSocket(ioService, &handler, asio::ip::address::from_string(address.c_str()), 0)); //boost::shared_ptr<TurnAsyncSocket> turnSocket(new TurnAsyncTcpSocket(ioService, &handler, asio::ip::address::from_string(address.c_str()), 0)); boost::shared_ptr<TurnAsyncSocket> turnSocket(new TurnAsyncTlsSocket(ioService, sslContext, false /* validateServerCertificateHostname */, &handler, asio::ip::address::from_string(address.c_str()), 0)); // port=5349; handler.setTurnAsyncSocket(turnSocket.get()); // Connect to Stun/Turn Server turnSocket->connect(argv[1], port); // Set the username and password turnSocket->setUsernameAndPassword(username, password); ioService.run(); turnPeer.shutdown(); turnPeer.join(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; } return 0; } /* ==================================================================== Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of Plantronics nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ==================================================================== */