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I have a strange issue when testing reTurn examples. I modified TestClient.cxx and TestAsyncClient.cxx in reTurn/client/test/ to use real test client’s IP addresses ( instead of and successfully compiled.
A “coturn” TURN server running on is started as following script which skips user authentication.
#turnserver -v -f --min-port=32355 --max-port=65535 --no-auth
I run both TestClient and TestAsyncClient on to interact with the TURN server but I got different results: “TestClient” always receives no response and I can see “STUN method 0x1 ignored” on Turn Server screen while “TestAsyncClient” always got OK response with XOR-Mapped-address. I captured Binding Requests sent by TestClient and TestAsyncClient for comparison but I can not see the difference. Can someone tell me why the Binding request from TestClient got no response from TURN server? attached are the Wireshark traces.
1. Failed Binding request from TestClient.cxx that got “1506: handle_turn_command: STUN method 0x1 ignored” error
# TestClient 3478
INFO | 20000621-062858.790 | | RETURN | 1081483264 | TurnSocket.cxx:970 | Timed out waiting for Stun response!
INFO | 20000621-062858.791 | | RESIP:TEST | 1081483264 | TestClient.cxx:141 | CLIENT: Error calling bindRequest: rc=asio.misc error, value=8008
0000 00 0c 29 34 d0 b4 00 05 a6 0e 04 c3 08 00 45 00 ..)4..........E.
0010 00 5c 00 00 40 00 40 11 b9 36 0a 71 36 3d 0a 71 .\..@.@..6.q6=.q
0020 36 3c 92 06 0d 96 00 48 fd a6 00 01 00 2c 21 12 6<.....H.....,!.
0030 a4 42 d2 9d f7 c0 b1 a6 3e ba 60 1f c8 0a 80 22 .B......>.`...."
0040 00 28 72 65 54 55 52 4e 20 53 79 6e 63 20 43 6c .(reTURN Sync Cl
0050 69 65 6e 74 20 30 2e 33 20 2d 20 52 46 43 35 33 ient 0.3 - RFC53
60 39 2f 74 75 72 6e 2d 31 32 89/turn-12
2. Successful Binding request from TestAsyncClient.cxx that got Ok response with XOR-Mapped_address
0000 00 0c 29 34 d0 b4 00 05 a6 0e 04 c3 08 00 45 00 ..)4..........E.
0010 00 60 00 00 40 00 40 11 b9 32 0a 71 36 3d 0a 71 .`..@.@..2.q6=.q
0020 36 3c a7 9b 0d 96 00 4c b0 28 00 01 00 30 21 12 6<.....L.(...0!.
0030 a4 42 5a 10 34 a1 7b 2a 76 60 c3 f2 14 94 80 22 .BZ.4.{*v`....."
0040 00 2c 72 65 54 55 52 4e 20 41 73 79 6e 63 20 43 .,reTURN Async C
0050 6c 69 65 6e 74 20 30 2e 33 20 2d 20 52 46 43 35 lient 0.3 - RFC5
0060 33 38 39 2f 74 75 72 6e 2d 31 32 20 20 20 389/turn-12
# TestAsyncClient 3478
INFO | 20000621-053336.180 | | RESIP:DNS | 1075593216 | DnsUtil.cxx:233 | Local IP address for is
INFO | 20000621-053336.183 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:271 | Using as local IP address.
INFO | 20000621-053336.193 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:95 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onConnectSuccess: socketDest=6, address=, port=3478
INFO | 20000621-053336.203 | | RETURN | 1075593216 | ../StunMessage.cxx:1163 | Ignoring unknown comprehension optional attribute: 32811
INFO | 20000621-053336.203 | | RETURN | 1075593216 | ../StunMessage.cxx:1163 | Ignoring unknown comprehension optional attribute: 32812
INFO | 20000621-053336.204 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:115 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onBindingSuccess: socketDest=6, reflexive=[UDP], serverTuple=[UDP]
INFO | 20000621-053336.208 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:134 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onAllocationSuccess: socketDest=6, reflexive=[UDP], relay=[UDP], lifetime=600, bandwidth=0, reservationToken=13219478805274871241
INFO | 20000621-053336.208 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:138 | CLIENT: Sending: This test is for wrapped Turn Data!
INFO | 20000621-053336.210 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:182 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onChannelBindRequestSent: socketDest=6 channelNumber=31931
INFO | 20000621-053336.210 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:142 | CLIENT: Sending: This test should be in ChannelData message in TCP/TLS but not in UDP - since ChannelBindResponse is not yet received.
INFO | 20000621-053336.211 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:165 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onSetActiveDestinationSuccess: socketDest=6
INFO | 20000621-053336.213 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:186 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onChannelBindSuccess: socketDest=6 channelNumber=31931
INFO | 20000621-053336.215 | | RESIP:TEST | 1090270304 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:69 | PEER: Received data from - [This test is for wrapped Turn Data!]
INFO | 20000621-053336.216 | | RESIP:TEST | 1090270304 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:69 | PEER: Received data from - [This test should be in ChannelData message in TCP/TLS but not in UDP - since ChannelBindResponse is not yet received.]
INFO | 20000621-053336.217 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:204 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onReceiveSuccess: socketDest=6, fromAddress=, fromPort=2000, size=36, data="" test is for wrapped Turn Data!
INFO | 20000621-053336.217 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:204 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onReceiveSuccess: socketDest=6, fromAddress=, fromPort=2000, size=118, data="" test should be in ChannelData message in TCP/TLS but not in UDP - since ChannelBindResponse is not yet received.
INFO | 20000621-053336.218 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:213 | CLIENT: Sending: This test is for ChannelData message!
INFO | 20000621-053336.220 | | RESIP:TEST | 1090270304 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:69 | PEER: Received data from - [This test is for ChannelData message!]
INFO | 20000621-053336.221 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:204 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onReceiveSuccess: socketDest=6, fromAddress=, fromPort=2000, size=38, data="" test is for ChannelData message!
INFO | 20000621-053336.224 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:152 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onRefreshSuccess: socketDest=6, lifetime=0
INFO | 20000621-053336.225 | | RESIP:TEST | 1075593216 | TestAsyncClient.cxx:235 | MyTurnAsyncSocketHandler::onReceiveFailure: socketDest=4294967295 error=125(Operation aborted.)
. . . . . .
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