[reSIProcate-users] Support VS2015 for improve the compile speed
It's seems the VS2015(VC14) is very fast for compile the C++ project than VS2013/VS2008.
When I compiling resip with 2015, I received the error :
static_assert(false, "<hash_map> is deprecated and will be REMOVED. "
"Please use <unordered_map>. You can define "
"to acknowledge that you have received this warning.");
It's seems the hash_map will no longer supported in the future and the unordered_map will instead of it with Microsoft VS.
Currently I defined _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS in rutil project then got it compiled, but it's possible to upgrade the Rutile in order to support vs2015 with <unordered_map> then don't need to defined _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS ?