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[reSIProcate-users] web admin security change

Now that I've got your attention...

The parameter HttpAdminPassword has been abolished as of 1.9.0~rc1 (to
be announced in a moment)

Previously, this parameter would create a user called "admin" in the
database.  This user would be invisible in the web-based user list.

Now, the user is visible but it is not used any more.  So please just
delete the user with the name "admin@"

Instead, you now have to specify two new parameters:

   # Realm to use for HTTP admin interface digest authentication
   HttpAdminRealm = repro

   # File containing user/password details
   HttpAdminUserFile = users.txt

and then generate a users.txt file using the "htdigest" utility from
Apache or just using something like this:

REALM=repro       (must match HttpAdminRealm, very important!)

HA1=`echo -n ${USER}:${REALM}:${PASS} | md5sum`

echo ${USER}:${REALM}:${HA1} >> /etc/repro/users.txt

Benefits of this change:

- no more hidden user in the database

- no more plain text password in the config (so you can commit the
config to a repository like Git or SVN)

- realm stored with the username, so we can implement proper HTTP DIGEST

- multiple users can potentially be supported in future (now it is still
just one user)

- you can share the users.txt file between multiple repro instances on
the same box, it can also be shared with Apache web server as it is the
same format