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Re: [reSIProcate-users] multiple DUM UA calls in parallel with TFM

Sorry I'm not sure offhand how to do what you need.  I supposed you could just launch multiple instances of TFM.   Perhaps someone else with more TFM experience will chime in.  : )


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Ionut Slaveanu <islaveanu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Scott,
I'm interested to run the following sequence in parallel on multiple threads:
      TestClientSubscription clientSub(t1000);
Seq(t1000->subscribe(NameAddr(to), Data("dialog")),
          t1000->expect(ClientSubscription_NewSubscription, clientSub, *TestEndPoint::AlwaysTruePred, WaitForCommand, t1000->noAction()),
          clientSub.expect(ClientSubscription_UpdateExtension, *TestEndPoint::AlwaysTruePred, WaitForCommand, clientSub.acceptUpdate(200)),

          clientSub.expect(ClientSubscription_Terminated, *TestEndPoint::AlwaysTruePred, WaitForCommand, clientSub.noAction()),

I was thinking that tfm already have a thread pool present, and I only have to queue this sequence on multiple threads in order to be run this for a number of times.

Thank you!
Ezuce Inc.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Scott Godin <sgodin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Dragos,

Unfortunately many of the guys who originally contributed TFM, don't watch these list much anymore.  I just started to use it myself, so I will be of limited help.  

There is an older presentation here on TFM:  http://www.resiprocate.org/TFM_Overview

Not 100% sure about the multiple calls part, but you can use the chain() directive to execute multiple TFM commands in parallel.  For repeating a sequence.  If you run TFM in interactive mode (-i parameter with newer revs) then you can specify how many times each test case repeats.

Hope that helps.


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Dragos Dinu <ddinu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi guys,

As we are starting to use TFM, we would like to know if and how we can start multiple calls in parallel from UAC side.
Also, is there any possibility to execute a Sequence with TFM multiple times in a row? Maybe a parameter to specify the number of executions?

Thank you and regards,

Ezuce Inc.

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