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Re: [reSIProcate-users] [resiprocate] -Merged from b-uasprack-20130904 (6285943)

On 23/11/13 02:58, Shamun Toha wrote:
> CentOS 6.4 / 64-bit 
> Step 1: 
> $ git clone .git failed
> so 
> $ git clone https worked

That may be an issue with github or your local proxy/firewall, it is a
general git issue and not specific to reSIProcate.  As you mention,
using the HTTPS method is one workaround.

> $ autoreconf --install
> $ ./configure
> $ make
> $ make install
> Step 2: now where do i execute it from??? 

Where did it install to?  If you didn't specify a custom prefix for
configure, when you ran "make install", it has probably installed to
default locations (usually /usr/local/sbin)

As they are daemon processes, they will not be in /usr/local/bin so they
won't be in your normal PATH

You can run the binaries from the tree for testing, e.g.

repro/repro --help

reTurn/reTurnServer --help

or explicitly run them from /usr/local/sbin or wherever

> There is no well documentation in README or INSTALL, it is very confusing 
> people will run away how complicated is for CentOS, Red hat enterprise linux, 
> FreeBSD.

You can use

  rpmbuild -tb resiprocate-$(VERSION).tar.gz

on RHEL6 and it should build RPMs.  I assume you already set up
~/.rpmmacros correctly, there are plenty of examples of how to do that
so we don't document these things again in detail.

v1.8.x are available as pre-built RPMs for Fedora users only.  rpmbuild
will work on RHEL or CentOS for you.

When 1.9.0 is released we will push it to EPEL6 for RHEL6 and CentOS 6
users so you won't have to build it yourself.

Note that v1.9 (and master from git) require a third party library
dependency that is not fully available on RPM platforms yet:

cajun-jsonapi - it is currently in the Fedora review stage, RPM will be
in Fedora soon

You can easily fetch the spec file manually for that, see the review
request for the link.

> Can you please advise where to post issues.

Please discuss on the list first and then feel free to open issues in
Bugzilla.  Mailing list is best

> ---
> Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
> https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate/commit/628594317ee2a082caeb85b299d8eb895d868b50#commitcomment-4682135