Re: [reSIProcate-users] Unexpected TCP connection termination disturbing call setup
Hi Julio,
I think I see the problem - the code in TcpTransport uses getErrno() helper API (which calls WSAGetLastError instead of using the global errno that *nix systems use) and the code in conneciton just uses errno. Can you please try just changing the following lines in Connection.cxx (near line 168) to use the getErrno() call instead?
If this works for you I will commit this fix. Thanks for your patience and help in tracking this down.
int nBytes = write( + mSendPos,int(data.size() - mSendPos));
if (nBytes < 0)
InfoLog(<< "Write failed on socket: " << this->getSocket() << ", closing connection");
return -1;
return 0;