Re: [reSIProcate-users] B2BUA hiding support of REFER/replaces to "external" SIP elements, but exposing to "internal" ones
You are correct - there is only one copy of the settings stored in the Master Profile per dum instance. The only thing I can thing of is that you can disable the automatic advertisement of Supported and other headers and use a Message Decorator or another mechanism ( to add the required headers on messages on one side only.
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Zig
<ziglists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We are developing a B2BUA using DUM that sits between "external" and "internal" SIP elements.
External Internal
SIP <------> B2BUA <--------> SIP
Elements Elements
want to advertise to the "internal" SIP elements that we support REFER
and "replaces", but do not want to advertise REFER and "replaces" to the
"external" ones.
From what I can tell in the code, the "Allow" and "Supported"
headers are automatically filled in by the single "MasterProfile" that
is bound to DUM - regardless of the UserProfile that is assigned to the
DialogSet via selectUASUserProfile().
I'd rather not have to deal with 2 DUM instances and would like to
find a way to have a single DUM expose different supported methods
depending on whether the B2BUA is communicating with an internal or
external SIP element.
Am I missing something or is this not possible currently with a single DUM instance?
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