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Re: [reSIProcate-users] What does the Monkey mean?

Knowing English will not help you here; this does not really make sense to native English speakers either. In repro, a monkey is a modular request processor; it can inspect, filter, and modify incoming requests. It was so named because the first version of repro was written over a couple of days at a coding party, which usually results in some silliness.

Maybe we should put this in an FAQ somewhere?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

On Jul 3, 2013 11:45 PM, <jiangjungeneral@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


    When I read the code,I found the word “Monkey” appears a lot of times.For English is not my mother tongue,I cannot work it out properly.Any suggestion to help me understand the word “Monkey”?Thanks.

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