Re: [reSIProcate-users] How to register with Global IP
ClientRegistrationHandler::onSuccess is called for manual refreshes - you could issue a refresh manually (ideally before resip does it). We should consider adding a onRefreshed callback in the future (or an option to call onSuccess for all refreshes).
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Nauman Sulaiman
<nauman762-home@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've tried this now but controlling this from the application doesn't seem to cope with
public IP changes as the application doesn't receive any callbacks for successful
register refreshes. At this point we need to check if the external IP has changed ie
ip lease expired at the ISP for example.
Does this mean I need to modify the DUM code to cope with this, specifically
It is possible to do that. But you would need to control everything from the application. ie:-Look at Via headers in registration response
and decide if you want to re-register
-Unregister old contact
-Reregister by pre-populating the Contact header with the public IP before you send it
On resip 1.7 is there any way of using the received IP address after an initial register to then re-register with a public IP
address (assuming the received field is a public IP of course) same with the port.
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