[reSIProcate-users] Failed to initialize async dns library Error reading file
Hi all, I have wrote a UA base on resip 1.6 and it running very well, but when I try the load test:
1: initialize dum and stack
2: register to server
3: make the call
4: callee close the call.
5: un-register
6: uninitialize dum and stack.
After repeated above steps about 1000 - 2000 times, I got the exception: Failed to initialize async dns library Error reading file
- e {message={...} fileName={...} lineNumber=97 } resip::BaseException &
- std::exception {_m_what=0x00000000 <Bad Ptr> _m_doFree=0 } std::exception
+ __vfptr 0x110f5e20 const resip::DnsStub::DnsStubException::`vftable' *
+ _m_what 0x00000000 <Bad Ptr> const char *
_m_doFree 0 int
- message {Empty={...} mPreBuffer=0x03f2e7b0 "" mSize=57 ...} resip::Data
+ Empty {Empty={...} mPreBuffer=0x11415114 "" mSize=0 ...} resip::Data
+ mPreBuffer 0x03f2e7b0 "" char [17]
mSize 57 unsigned int
+ mBuf 0x05060328 "Failed to initialize async dns library Error reading file" char *
mCapacity 57 unsigned int
The exception was throw when "
mAgent = new UserAgent(*this, certRootPath, false);"
Below is the UserAgent constructor:
UserAgent::UserAgent(ResipCore & resipCore, const Data & certRootPath, bool tls)
,mMasterProfile(new MasterProfile)