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Re: [reSIProcate-users] The question about invite session end

Well, not really. For example, if a 200 comes in, we need to send an ACK and then a BYE, whereas if a 1xx comes in, we need to send a CANCEL, and lastly if a failure comes in, we need to do nothing. To decide what we need to do, we need to keep state around until the response comes in (whether that response is actually from the wire, or simulated by the stack for a timeout).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

Hi all.
I have the simple user agent built on DUM.
Well, it works good.
But there is small issue. I test in LAN with pure IP addresses.
I try to create client invite session to existing IP address but not- existing port - there is no remote softphone on that port.

Well, I see in log how INVITE packets are sent and no replies received.
After timeout the dialog set is destroyed. Ok.

There is a question  - is there way to end the session before timeout?

When I call end() method on invite session - it marks the DialogSet::mState as WaitingToEnd (DialogSet.cxx, line 894).

Is there way to finish the session in one shot?
I use the latest sources from SVN.

Sorry for my poor english.
Thank you :)

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