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Re: [reSIProcate-users] dummy ClientPagerMessage - memory leak ???

I tested my theory by sending one SIP MESSAGE through the ClientPagerMessage and then end it. In that case, I don’t see any errors from Valgrind…





From: Vasanthi Ramasamy
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 3:06 PM
To: 'resiprocate-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: dummy ClientPagerMessage - memory leak ???




What will happen if I create a ClientPagerMessage and end it without using it ? I see a huge memory leak….


Here is the scenario:


  1. I create a ClientPagerMessage to receive SIP MESSAGE from the remote end. SIP MESSAGe is for a SIP session established in an another machine and SIP MESSAGE comes to my application. I have a customized ClientPagerMessage where I just make sure that it gets created with the callid, From, To, FromTag, ToTag etc. are the same as the actual SIP session established in the other machine. Not much of coding from my side, I have written my own BaseCreator::makeInitialRequest(const NameAddr& target, const NameAddr& from, MethodTypes method) where I use my values. Everything else remains exactly the SAME.


  1. I get a SIP MESSAGE from remote end through ServerPagerMessage and it gets destructed properly.


  1. Once the call ends, other machine notifies me and I destruct ClientPagerMessage. It gets destructed too without any warning or exceptions. But Valgrind shows huge memory leak here.


==11665== 1,020 bytes in 3 blocks are still reachable in loss record 716 of 744

==11665==    at 0x4004790: operator new(unsigned) (vg_replace_malloc.c:164)

==11665==    by 0x824BFB9: resip::DialogUsageManager::makeUacDialogSet(resip::BaseCreator*, resip::AppDialogSet*) (in /opt/vapp/bin/msgserver_May28_leak2)

==11665==    by 0x824C4D6: resip::DialogUsageManager::makeCtxasgPagerMessage(resip::SharedPtr<resip::UserProfile> const&, resip::CtxasgSipMsgOutInfo*, resip::AppDialogSet*) (in /opt/vapp/bin/msgserver_May28_leak2)

==11665==    by 0x824C8DA: resip::DialogUsageManager::makeCtxasgPagerMessage(resip::CtxasgSipMsgOutInfo*, resip::AppDialogSet*) (in /opt/vapp/bin/msgserver_May28_leak2)

==11665==    by 0x80FEA63: pp::ResipDialogHandler::sendOutOfDialogMessage(int, std::string) (ResipDialogHandler.cxx:3206)

==11665==    by 0x8104A1A: pp::ResipDialogHandler::OnNotificationMessage(msg::msppNotificationMessage*) (ResipDialogHandler.cxx:3457)

==11665==    by 0x8105151: pp::ResipDialogHandler::processAppCommand(comm::Message*) (ResipDialogHandler.cxx:3553)

==11665==    by 0x80B59A5: pp::AppCommand::executeCommand() (ResipAppCommands.cxx:18)

==11665==    by 0x82576E7: resip::DialogUsageManager::internalProcess(std::auto_ptr<resip::Message>) (in /opt/vapp/bin/msgserver_May28_leak2)

==11665==    by 0x825787A: resip::DialogUsageManager::process(int, resip::RWMutex*) (in /opt/vapp/bin/msgserver_May28_leak2)

==11665==    by 0x80A774E: pp::UserAgent::DialogDumThreadProc() (UserAgent.cxx:214)

==11665==    by 0x80AA757: pm::PocketThread<pp::UserAgent>::main() (PocketThread.hxx:34)


Looks like nothing is getting released in ClientPagerMessage….ClientPagerMessage was created only for the purpose of receiving SIP MESSAGE from the other side. If the dialogset is not existing, Resiprocate doesn’t accept SIP MESSAGE from remote end since it is an in-dialog SIP MESSAGE coming from the remote end…So by creating a ClientPagerMessage, I’m making sure that Resiprocate accepts SIP MESSAGE from remote end.


