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Re: [reSIProcate-users] Diversion header is being put after Content-Length

The order in which headers are emitted by resip is determined by the enum in HeaderTypes.hxx, but I am not seeing a declaration for the Diversion header in there. Unknown headers are always encoded last, so you'd need to go in and hack the code in SipMessage::encode to fix it. I suppose what you could do is change SipMessage::encode() such that, instead of encoding the Content-Length header in the iteration, you move the special-case code in the else block for Content-Length after the unknown headers are encoded.

Are these proxies complaining because they expect the Content-Length header to be the last in the message? If so, it may be worthwhile to apply this fix to mainline resip to ease interop problems. Has anyone else encountered this sort of problem?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

I have a proxy built on a relatively old version of the resiprocate stack. (SVN revision 7570). I cannot at this time update to the head of the development tree. An INVITE message coming in with a “Diversion” header when the INVITE is forwarded to the next hop the Diversion header is placed AFTER the Content-Length header which some of the receiving proxies don’t like. Is there an easy way to solve this problem and leave the Diversion header where it is in the incoming message (or at least somewhere before the Content-Length)?

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