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Re: [reSIProcate-users] Modify Contact Binding

I don't think we have a function that does this, but I can see how one would be useful if we cannot defer sending the REGISTER until we're done with a number of operations on our bindings.

Best regards,
Byron Campen


If my application wants to re-register with a different contact header
(same contact URI but with different parameters), is there a way to do
it? I understand in ./resip/dum/ClientRegistration, there are
addBinding() and removeBinding() APIs, there isn't a modifyBinding()
API. I'm using reSIProcate 1.3.4.

Please advise. Thank you.

Kok Meng, Wong
resiprocate-users mailing list
List Archive: http://list.resiprocate.org/archive/resiprocate-users/

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