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Re: [reSIProcate-users] Urgent help needed - SIP MESSAGE

First thing you can not change "CallID, FromTag and ToTag" if you are using DUM mean ClientPagerMessage.
I am seeing only one way is that don't use DUM, use only SipStack and maintain Message dialog at your side if you don't want to change resiprocate code.
If you are ready to change code at DUM side then, you can add one more callback on "ClientPagerMessageHandler" like onBeforeSend(), and called if from function "ClientPagerMessage::pageFirstMsgQueued()" before dum send it out. That way you application get change to modify outgoing message.
But still I am not getting why you want to change those value in sip message?
Parag Patel
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 12:08 AM
Subject: [reSIProcate-users] Urgent help needed - SIP MESSAGE

I have to send a SIP MESSAGE from my application to a remote end through Resiprocate, using CallId, From, To, From Tag and To Tag given by my application.
I looked into Helper::makeMessage(). It will give me a SIP Message and I can modify the above mentioned fields and send it out. But the issue is, the response to SIP MESSAGE won't come to my application since there was no ClientPagerMessage available.
If I use makePagerMessage() and  ClientPagerMessage, the SIP MESSAGE respone will to the application, but I can't modify the CallId, from, to, fromtag and totags.
what is the work around for this ?  Do I have to modify Resiprocate source code ?

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