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Re: [reSIProcate-users] Error injection test cases

Well, we'll need a little more detail before we can help.
So were you using UDP or TCP?
Was your Content-Length set to match the length of the SDP, 0, or did it include the count of the junk octets?

When you say ACK below, did you mean 200 OK? (You sent the INVITE, so you're also sending the ACK).


On Feb 27, 2009, at 11:32 AM, Vasanthi wrote:


1. I did an error injection test case. I sent an INVITE with a valid SDP
followed by couple of lines of garbage (garbage example:
"I'mjunkI'mJunkI'junkI'junkI'junkI'junkI'junkI'junkI'junkI'junkI'junk "). Resiprocate accepted that INVITE and processed it. When I added around 200 lines of the garbage lines mentioned above, Resiprocate stripped off the SDP and just offered the INVITE to the application. Is this normal ??? this test case failed for me because my application was expecting an answer SDP in
ACK, but ACK came without it.

2. what is "garbage" as per Resiprocate ?
3. what is the limiting size of garbage which is okay with Resiprocate ?
4. The same garbage rule applies to Headers too ????


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