[reSIProcate-users] About AppDialogSet creation.
I am running an application based on resiprocate 1.3.4.
When I act as a UAC, I create an invite session with DUM->makeInviteSession.
I want to pass it an appDialogSet I would store somewhere in order to
properly end the calls.
Since the AppDialogSet creator is private, what is the right way to
create one ?
I made a subclass to declare a public builder. Seems to work but why is
creator private ?
While I did not understand the purpose of AppDialogSet, I manage my own
class for application related data storage.
AppDialogSet is exactly the place where such data should be, right ?
When I act as a UAS, I store the DialogSet whenever InviteSessionHandler
runs a onNewSession(ServerInviteSessionHandle, ...)
Therefore, this DialogSet is not one I created (as in acting like a UAC).
If I want to store all my data in AppDialogSet, I have to build an
AppDialogSetFactory and override the createAppDialogSet function to
return my own subclass.
Then, I will have MyAppDialogSetFactory class and MyDialogSet class.
Now, I want to makeInviteSession().
I cannot use myAppDialogSetFactory->createAppDialogSet since I do not
already have a sip message.
What is the purpose of passing a sipmessage to createAppDialogSet method ?
If I want to terminate all dialogs in this dialog set, I use
MyAppDialogSet->end() andd all dialog will be terminated, some by a BYE,
the other (received provisional only) by CANCEL. right ?
Thanks, resiprocate is really cool to use.
Wiki may need some improvement, since browsing the code for
comprehension sometimes gives furious headaches !