I was just recently given a project to create a softphone to be built on top of resiprocate/dum,
this is my first exposure of this kind of project (I do not even know what resiprocate is until 3 days ago :-)).
I have been trying to look at the BasicCall.cxx sample code and in my understanding so far is that it is acting as both a UAS and a UAC.
What I am trying to do is to send a REGISTER to a server.
My question is how to specify in the code the server that I want my REGISTER request to send so that my application can be registered and
I can see a REGISTER dialog in wireshark?
I was given wireshark program to verify the messages.
What I had experimented so far is to change the UAC Aor part to that of my server details but I cannot see a REGISTER message in wireshark,
all I can see is the OPTIONS and the INVITE requests(I can trace where is this in the code) and the 407 Proxy-Authentication require response.
I spent the whole day today googling for some hints and sample codes but I cannot yet find a solution.
Can you point me to the right path?sample snippets? please note also that I already check this mailing list's archive but I cannot find the answer
that I am looking for.