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[reSIProcate-users] resip stack, and remote UAs behind NAT


I'm trying to use the Resiprocate stack and DUM to build a B2BUA Session
Border Controller - but, it needs to be capable of talking to remote UAs
which are behind NAT, and hence may give inappropriate addresses in Via
and Contact - This is to replace an OpenSER-based solution, in which
OpenSER's force_rport() and fix_contact() are used - essentially, if it
looks like the remote endpoint is behind NAT, then force rport behaviour
regardless whether the remote endpoint used it or not, and modify the
Contact to use the received address and port.

Examining the source, it looks to me like I'd have to add suitable
modifications in or near the stack's Transport::stampReceived() method,
to have similar functionality within the Resiprocate stack.

Can anyone sanity-check my conclusions, or even better, comment on their
experience making a resip<->NAT-ed clients scenario work?


Max Bowsher <maxb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>