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[reSIProcate-users] DUM usage

Hi Scott.
I have some questions about DUM usage. I am writing softphone, that should support multiple login/logout
with different users. At moment I am tryint to implement it in such manner: on login request I create DUM 
and send REGISTER an logout I am trying to properly shutdown DUM. Here problems begin. As I understand
DUM does not wait until all handles are destroyed and it just check if all handles were destroyed
and if so then request stack to unregister TransactionUser. Otherwise it do nothing. Am I right? Should I manually track moment at which
all handles are destroyed?
There are also some other problem. ClientSubcription end() function does not actually terminate it. It just send
SUBCRIBE with expires 0 and on response does  not terminate subscription. As I understand it treat successfull response on such 
request as any other successfull response. How can I properly destroy subscriptions?
May be to achieve my goals I should use DUM in some other way?
Thanks for advance.