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Re: [reSIProcate] [resiprocate/resiprocate] send/receive text message mechanism through MESSAGE message (#53)

In resip/recon/ConversationManager.hxx:

> @@ -483,6 +486,18 @@ public:
>     virtual void onDtmfEvent(ParticipantHandle partHandle, int dtmf, int duration, bool up) = 0;
>     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> +   // Pager Message Handlers /////////////////////////////////////////////
> +   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> +
> +   virtual void onMessageArrived(resip::ServerPagerMessageHandle handle, const resip::SipMessage& message) = 0;
> +   // Called when a MESSAGE has been successfully sent
> +   virtual void onSuccess(resip::ClientPagerMessageHandle handle, const resip::SipMessage& status) = 0;
> +   // Application could re-page the failed contents or just ingore it.
> +   virtual void onFailure(resip::ClientPagerMessageHandle handle, const resip::SipMessage& status, std::auto_ptr<resip::Contents> contents) = 0;
> +   
> +   const char* sendMessage(const resip::NameAddr& destination, const resip::Data& msg, const resip::Mime& mimeType);
Off the top of my head, I think having out-of-dialog IM's and audio/video in a single conversation is valuable. I like this better than having two different conversation classes. We could use the From and/or To headers to correlate out-of-dialog IMs with existing audio or video calls. Using your desktop client example, it would be ideal if there was only one conversation for all media types. This doesn't seem like something that could be done in a few weeks time-frame though. I don't think the current implementation is ideal - but I also don't think the it prevents us from doing it differently in the future (unless you care about upgrade support). Scott

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