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Re: [reSIProcate] Problem while installing resiprocate

On 03/05/16 08:04, Udit Raikwar wrote:
> Hello
> I am Udit, my proposal
> <https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2016/StudentApplications/UditRaikwar> 
> also
> got accepted under debian organisation in GSoC program.
> I am having some problems while installing resiprocate, I am using
> Ubuntu 14.04.
> I run these commands :
> $ sudo git clone https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate.git
> $ sudo apt-get build-dep resiprocate
> $ cd resiprocate
> $ sudo build/debian.sh && make -j5
> and got this output
> How to resolve this problem, please help.

Hi Udit,

Thanks for querying this.  You only need to use the resiprocate-devel
mailing list address (please don't send queries to both lists

The error.txt output and the screenshot don't show exactly the same
thing, it looks like you only redirected stdout into error.txt, please
try redirecting stderr too, e.g.

    make -j5 > error.txt 2>&1

It looks like some parts of the build did succeed and only the reTurn
component is not building.

It looks like you ran build/debian.sh with sudo.  Please don't do that,
it may create files in the build tree owned by root and then other
programs will have trouble working with those files.  I'd suggest trying

cd ~/Desktop/2may/resiprocate
sudo chown -R udit:udit *
make -j5 > error.txt 2>&1

An initial guess about the "undefined reference" error is that your
Ubuntu has an older version of the asio or boost libraries.  Is it
possible you can update your computer to run Debian jessie[1] or a newer
Ubuntu?  You could ask on the debian-user[2] mailing list for the
recommended way to go from Ubuntu 14.04 to Debian jessie, you may also
find people in #debian-soc on IRC who can help.



1. https://micahflee.com/2013/01/why-im-leaving-ubuntu-for-debian/
2. https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/