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Re: [reSIProcate] InviteSession Offer/Answer Storing

Ah, it was in fact the fix that you made in r8093 - we are on a fairly old version. I was attempting to match it up with the latest in svn but missed this fix (along with misunderstanding what setCurrentLocalOfferAnswer did).

Thanks very much for explaining it so thoroughly!


On 26/09/2012 14:00, Scott Godin wrote:
Hi David,

Here is a description of what those variables are tracking:

mCurrentLocalOfferAnswer - This gets set with mProposedLocalOfferAnswer
after we receive an SDP answer from the remote end or when we send and
SDP answer to the remote end
mProposedLocalOfferAnswer - This get set when we send an offer to the
remote end

mCurrentRemoteOfferAnswer - This gets set with
mProposedRemoteOfferAnswer after we send an SDP answer, or when we
receive an SDP answer from the remote end
mProposedRemoteOfferAnswer -This gets set when we receive an offer from
the remote end

It should be noted that setCurrentLocalOfferAnswer actually takes whats
in mProposedLocalOfferAnswer and copies it to mCurrentLocalOfferAnswer -
it does not grab the SDP from the passed in message.

The On2xxAnswer case in dispatchSentReinvite the following occurs (at
least in 1.8.5 and SVN head):
1.  Calls setCurrentLocalOfferAnswer to
set mCurrentLocalOfferAnswer from mProposedLocalOfferAnswer
2.  Sets mCurrentRemoteOfferAnswer with the SDP from the received SIP

This all seems correct to me.  What version of resip are you using?
  Perhaps you are seeing a bug that has already been fixed.


  On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 5:44 AM, David Baker
<david.baker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:david.baker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi Scott,

    Ah, I believe that was my mistake - It will actually be in the
    On2xxAnswer state, but both On2xxAnswer and On2xxOffer fall into the
    same block of code, and I just read the last one.


    On 25/09/2012 19:36, Scott Godin wrote:

        Hi David,

        Not sure how you are getting to the SentReinvite state and then
        receiving an On2xxOffer.

        I'm assuming the re-invite went out with no SDP (offer) in order
        for you
        to get to the On2xxOffer event.  However if that's the case,
        then you
        should be in the SentReinviteNoOffer state.  We should figure
        out why
        you are in the wrong state.  Are you using requestOffer to send a
        re-invite without SDP?


        On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 2:15 PM, David Baker
        <david.baker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:david.baker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        <mailto:david.baker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:


             I've just been looking at and trying to understand how
             InviteSession.cxx stores the OfferAnswer data that flows
        through it
             (mCurrentLocalOfferAnswer / mCurrentRemoteOfferAnswer etc). In
             particular, in dispatchSentReinvite in the On2xxOffer case,
        it calls
             setCurrentLocalOfferAnswer(). If I understand correctly,
        should this
             not be setting the remote OfferAnswer rather than the
        local, since
             the OfferAnswer data is coming from the other party in this

             The symptom of this (and my reason for looking) is that using
             reinvites has caused getRemoteSdp to return SDP sent in the
             offer/answer exchange rather than the latest SDP in use
        that's been
             updated by a reinvite.

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