[reSIProcate] handling all IPs/breaks virtual hosting
I just came across this in ReproRunner.cxx:
list<pair<Data,Data> > ips = DnsUtil::getInterfaces();
for ( list<pair<Data,Data> >::const_iterator i=ips.begin();
i!=ips.end(); i++)
if(log) InfoLog( << "Adding domain for IP " << i->second << " from
interface " << i->first );
Basically, all IPs are added, and this means that
Proxy.isMyDomain(some other IP on the host)
returns true
So if two repros are running with different IPs on the same host, then
they get a bit confused, because they both challenge each other's requests.
In my config, I have a specific IP (not for each repro
instance, so I would really not expect this interface scanning code.
Can anyone comment on this code? Could it be removed, or should it only
be run if config specifies binding to