1) Has a similar change been posted as a draft somewhere else?
[Scott] I haven't seen such a change from any other source.
2) Is there a historical reason why the functionality isn't provided for
TCP sockets?
[Scott] I can't think of one. Sounds like a good addition to the stack. If you would like to post a patch for this, I can get it committed to SVN.
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Paul Kurmas <
pkurmas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
One clarification here... the reason for installing the callback
function is to be able to call setsockopt() to set the IP_TTL and IP_TOS
fields of the stream.
Any alternate solutions that use existing APIs to solve the problem
would be welcome. Thanks again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Kurmas
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 2:43 PM
To: '
Subject: AfterSocketCreationFuncPtr not
I've created a function complying to the prototype for
AfterSocketCreationFuncPtr & pass it to the SipStack ctor. However, the
function is not called for TCP sockets. The argument is dropped from
the call to the TcpTransport ctor, and in turn the TcpBaseTransport
ctor. The implementation of the TcpBaseTransport ctor list passes a
null pointer to the InternalTransport ctor.
I've verified in the latest-and-greatest code that this hasn't been
changed in v1.4.1. My codebase is at v1.3.4. Before I start changing
the implementation & posting the change, I wanted to know two things --
1) Has a similar change been posted as a draft somewhere else?
2) Is there a historical reason why the functionality isn't provided for
TCP sockets?
Many thanks in advance.
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