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Re: [reSIProcate] Any known issues with resip 1.2.3 with SIGCOMP enabled option?

The short answer is "sigcomp doesn't work". There were several bugs in the sigcomp code fixed as of 1.3, but there were still issues (not seg-faulting anymore, but there was some sort of error in the interaction between the transport code and the open sigcomp stack, causing compression/decompression to fail). In 1.3 and HEAD, sigcomp support is disabled. I am not sure when this will be fixed; no-one seems to have the time or inclination to work on it right now.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

I am trying out resip release v 1.2.3 with USE_SIGCOMP option and using openSigcomp library. But the repro itself segments as soon it receives any Request such as INVITE from non-sigcomp softphones. Ideally it should handle "uncompressed" requests, but is there any known issue regarding this?
Any body having any idea how to resolve this issue?

Best Regards
resiprocate-devel mailing list