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[reSIProcate] RES: difference between PUBLISH and notify

Hi Subbu,


Notifies are usually answers to Subscribes requests. Publishes are sent to the presence agent (usually a SIP proxy) by a presentity (usually a User Agent) to inform its state. So, when a presence agent receives a subscribe request, it can respond about the state of a given presentity without consulting it, because this presence agent a received publish of this presentity previously. You can find more information in RFC 3903.


The others two questions I can’t answer because I don’t have experience in use of reciprocate to implement these cases.




Gustavo Honorato

Software Engineer

Inovax Engenharia de Sistemas

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro


De: Dien Ba Quang [mailto:dienbaquang@xxxxxxxxx]
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2007 18:30
Para: Subramanian Kasi Subramanian
Cc: resiprocate-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Assunto: Re: [reSIProcate] difference between PUBLISH and notify


Hi Subramania,
I don't have experience with PUBLISH messages so I think Scott or other guys could help you about this.


On 5/14/07, Subramanian Kasi Subramanian <subbu.subramanian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Dien Ba Quang
                           I'am a little confused with the difference between the PUBLISH and NOTIFY message.
1.Could you tell me what the difference is and when you would use these messages. 
2.I have succeeded in subscribing to a persons presence state and receiving and handling notifications.I would like to know how can publish your own presence state without waiting for an incoming subscription request.
3.I was also wondering if you could shed some light on group-subscriptions and notifications and how they can be handled via resiprocate.

Thanks for the help.

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