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[reSIProcate] Subscription Handler in case of REFER


I was going through the DUM code to understand how REFER would work.
In case of un-attended transfer, I would send a refer to the other party, and I receive a 202. This would call onReferAccepted and does not provide any ClientSubscriptionHandler. Further, on receiving a NOTIFY, onReferAccepted is called again and this time the handler is provided. I can very well store this  handle for future use/reference.

One thing I don't understand here is that I will have to re-define the call-backs (with respect to refer) and add it to DUM under some symbol. RFC 3515 defines event package name as "refer" and defines an additional parameter as "id". Symbols.hxx doesn't have "refer" but it does have "id". But the comment refers it for RFC 3323 (Privacy) which misleads me. So is it OK or otherwise which Symbol can I use.

So two queries:
1. Do I add new definitions of refer callbacks as
                       dum.addClientSubscriptionHandler(Symbols::id, myObj);
                       dum.addServerSubscriptionHandler (Symbols::id, myObj);
2. I hope that Subscription handler would still be alive after sending the BYE in case of un-attended transfer.

Thanks in Advance !!
