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Re: [reSIProcate] [repro-devel] memory issues with repro/resip?

Linux doesn't reclaim memory given to a process until that memory is needed by some other process. So, when load drops dramatically, the memory is going to stay constant. Also, it takes repro 3 minutes to reach a memory steady-state (with Timer C enabled). If the memory footprint is still increasing after three minutes of constant (and reasonable) load, then you have probably found a leak.

As for pinpointing memory leaks with valgrind, I have found the massif tool immensely useful. Just run valgrind --tool=massif ./repro for a little while (10 min or so) under load, and when you kill it, it will output a .ps and a .txt file describing the memory usage over time. If there is a leak, this will find it (unless it is caused by a threading problem, in which case the leak won't happen since valgrind serializes all execution).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

I have downloaded the latest SVN tree and ran a simple load scenario
against repro sending 10 INVITES /sec - each one being rejected by repro with a 480 (I did not define a next hop). The memory used by repro keeps growing. If I stop the load the memory is not released. If I then re-run
the same load memory grows more. Valgrind did not produce anything

Are there known issues? Any hints how this can be further investigated?
Could it be that some transaction state is not cleaned up? (Although
stats report all 0's for TU summary)


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