Re: [reSIProcate] Need help with Handles
On 9/18/06, Nicolas LEGROS <Nicolas.LEGROS@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Another question concerning Handles!
When the application wants to send an INVITE message (the application is in
this case a UAC), the makeInviteSession() will be called:
Here's an example:
dum->send(dumUac->makeInviteSession(uasAor, uac.sdp, new AppDialogSet(*dumUac,
When I call this method, a new AppdialogSet is created.
But I'd like to get and store the InviteSessionHandle...Is it possible? If yes,
how can I get it?
Or should I wait for the callback onNewSession(ClientInviteSession...) to get
the it?
In other words, when the application acts as a UAC, should I wait a 1xx or 2xx
response before I can get the InviteSessionHandle? Or can I get the
InviteSessionHandle just after sending my INVITE message?
You need to wait for one of the callbacks to store the handle. The
handle doesn't get created until the Dialog object is formed.