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Re: [reSIProcate] Bug in Data::append()

Ah, I was looking at the code on head. That bug was probably fixed a while ago. There have been a few (that I know of) nasty memory corruption bugs that have been fixed since that release. I will echo the chorus of "please update to head" that we've been hearing a lot these days.

Best regards,
Byron Campen


Are you sure? Looks to me like the buffer is mSize in length. Here's the
relevant parts:

mBuf = new char[mSize + len];
mSize += len;
mBuf[mSize] = 0; // Buffer overflow

I'm using the 0.8.0 tarball.


-----Original Message-----
From: Byron Campen [mailto:bcampen@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:45 PM
To: Brian Cuthie
Cc: resiprocate-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Bug in Data::append()

        Actually, that buffer has size mSize+1, so that null
termination is not causing memory corruption. But, your
heap-corruption issue is still real, so I ask what version of
resiprocate you are using.

Best regards,
Byron Campen


I'm new to this list, and to using the Reciprocate stack.
However, I
think I found a bug and wanted to hear what people think.
I'm sure I'm
doing this wrong, so please don't be shy about helping me
the correct procedure.


While testing the stack under Windows, I had problems with a heap
corruption when writing debug log messages using the
VSDebugWindow log


The following code in Data::append() appears to be in
error. The NULL
is written past the end of the buffer, and furthermore I
think it is
unnecessary, since c_str() adds a NULL.

Data::append(const char* str, size_type len) {
   if (mCapacity < mSize + len)
      // .dlb. pad for future growth?
      resize(((mSize + len +16)*3)/2, true);
      if (mMine == Share)
         char *oldBuf = mBuf;
         mCapacity = mSize + len;
         mBuf = new char[mSize + len];
         memcpy(mBuf, oldBuf, mSize);
         mMine = Take;

   // could conceivably overlap
   memmove(mBuf + mSize, str, len);
   mSize += len;
   mBuf[mSize] = 0;   // ERROR

   return *this;

Finally, there appears to be a related bug fix to Data::c_str()
I'm wondering if someone was tracking this same problem and
tried to
fix it there, since resize() will copy the buffer anyway,
making the
check in c_str() unecessary.



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