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Re: [reSIProcate] reSIProcate DNS SRV lookups very slow on VPN

I have noted EyeBeam which is based on reSIProcate has the same problem :-(

What seems to be happening is that reSIProcate is trying to send queries to
the VPN's DNS servers first. These queries time out. After that,
reSIProcate sends queries to the ISP's DNS, and these queries get quick
replies as expected.

>> a) check that you are calling process sufficiently.

      I am calling process every 50 ms. I should be good on that one :-)

>> b) let us know what reSIProcate codebase you are seeing this in.

      I am running reSIProcate version 0.9 with minor changes I made to the
PIDF code.

>> Later versions of reSIProcate from SVN include a local caching
nameserver to assist with SRV server migration.

After 0.9 ?

Is there any way one can exclude specific DNS servers so that ares will not
query them ? The user could then specify the VPN DNS servers in the
exclusion list.


             Alan Hawrylyshen                                           To 
             <alan@xxxxxxxxxx>         Resip Devel                         
             12/19/2005 10:45                                           cc 
             AM                        Christian_Gavin@xxxxxxxxxxxx        
                                       Re: [reSIProcate] reSIProcate DNS   
                                       SRV lookups very slow on VPN        

On 2005.12.16, at 10:58 , Christian_Gavin@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Also, later on, REGISTER is denied with a 401, and a second
> sent with credentials. Between the first and second REGISTER, the
> same DNS
> sequence occurs again, and almost 30 seconds have elapsed.
> Why are there 8-9 seconds gaps between queries ? Has anyone seen this
> problem before ?

Wow. I've seen slow DNS before, but typically it is due to my
application not calling ::process() in a timely fashion in the stack.
Are you running HEAD from SVN or something else?  The general idea in
reSIProcate is to always query the DNS, or use a cache. Later
versions of reSIProcate from SVN include a local caching nameserver
to assist with SRV server migration.

So, I guess you should:

             a) check that you are calling process sufficiently.
             b) let us know what reSIProcate codebase you are seeing this
