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[reSIProcate] Changing VS.NET projects from C-Runtime Multithreaded (static) to Multithreaded DLL

I’m considering chaning the VS.NET project settings from Multithreaded (static) to Multithreaded DLL.  This will match the sipX projects and make it easier to build applications that use libraries from both products.  There are also some other advantages of using DLL C-Runtime – see the notes/links below.


Let me know if anyone has any issues with this.









Note: MSFT employee posting:


# re: Choosing a C runtime library

Friday, April 30, 2004 1:59 PM by Michael Grier [MSFT]

There are several interesting reasons to use the shared msvcr*.dll:

1. Page sharing across processes
2. Fewer heaps in each process
3. You need to do this is you pass malloc()d or new-d memory across DLL boundaries
4. The TLS issue

The perf team in MS is who pushes us to use the common C runtime mostly because of 2 - the actual code size issue tends to not be as big an issue as having a bunch of lurking heaps out there. (Also, if you use the process heap, there's hope that someday you'll be able to allocate memory in DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH but if you're using a private heap, you're forever subject to the deadlocks that happen today.)




Other info:
