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RE: [reSIProcate] Closer to release

One quick thing:  The DUM/test directory is missing - it would be good to
include - shows samples on how to use DUM.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Sparks [mailto:rjsparks@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 4:34 PM
To: resiprocate
Subject: [reSIProcate] Closer to release

We're getting closer to being able to build a release tarball.

Who has something they are planning to have in the release
that isn't checked in yet? I'm going to need to branch for the
release RSN.

I've yanked the autotools build system around where it's doing
mostly the right thing for 'make dist'. Here's a preliminary tarball
for people who can verify things on different platforms to start 
kicking around:


(Caveat for the casual list reader: THIS IS NOT A RELEASE - DO NOT 
  IT TO WORK. Instead, help us find where it's broken.)

Untar this, run ./configure <whatever options>; make
If it survives the make, then run make check (which I _know_ it
won't survive just yet).

As we clean up the last bits, you should be able to create
a new tarball of the head anytime by running:
svn co https://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/resiprocate/main
cd main/sip
sh use-autotools.sh
sh autogen.sh
make dist

Adjust for branches accordingly.


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