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RE: [reSIProcate] Next Release

I can cover FC2/i386 (maybe some RH9/i386 also).  I assume you want
build problems just submitted back to the list.

Forgive my svn ignorance but will all this take place on the tip
revisions of the source tree? or is there some build labeling scheme? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Sparks [mailto:rjsparks@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 5:42 PM
To: resiprocate
Subject: [reSIProcate] Next Release

We've mentioned several times that we plan to issue a new release of
resiprocate in the next couple of weeks.

I'd like to start formalizing what we need to do to finish that job.

1) We'll create a candidate tarball and iterate on it until it's ready
2) We need people to test building against each iteration on various
      platforms. The more platforms the merrier.
        I'll cover OS/X 10.3 and FC3/i386. Please send a note  
volunteering if
        you have the time and resources to cover any other  
3) We need to comb the logs, list, and human memories and build a
      reasonable ChangeLog. This is a big task - if you know of things  
      must go in here for sure, please send a note to the list or go add

to the
      wiki page at

I'm probably forgetting something obvious - please reply and correct it.

We also need to track what we're including and what we're not. Here are

of my personal preferences (and they are no more than that):
  - I'd like the DNS caching and target weighted-preference code to be
  - I don't think we need to wait for Derek's good proposal on refining

    various queues between the stack and the TUs to be implemented.

What else?