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Re: [reSIProcate] subversion best practice

On Dec 1, 2004, at 10.11, Shaun Dawson wrote:


  Sorry for the dumb newbie questions, but what's the best practice
for checking out resiprocate for the purposes of fiddling around and
writing client programs?

  Should I use http://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/resiprocate? or

  If I use /resiprocate, is main the branch that I should decend into
and compile?

Wow! Checking out /resiprocate (and not /resiprocate/main) would result it a LOT of code. I don't recommend it. From a best practice point of view it makes sense to checkout just /main.

  Should I copy the branch I'm interested into a directory external to
my subversion working directory for compiling?  If so, is there an
automated way of doing that (in the Makefile, for instance)?

No, in general, there are two current approaches*, 1/3 the reSIProcate community uses the Makefile and files in build/ to do the building, 1/3 run the use-autotools.sh script and then autogen.sh.
(1/3 use Windows or Mac so they use the VC or IDE files).

If you DO use the autotools method, you can (after running use-autotools.sh and autogen.sh) make a clean compile directory. Around here, we build with:

svn co https://scm.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/main
cd sip
sh use-autotools.sh
(Ignore SVN errors)
sh autogen.sh
mkdir compile
cd compile
../configure --enable-ipv6 --disable-elog --disable-static ...

'make install' isn't quite ready for prime-time. We are working on this at Jasomi and will try to 'clean-up' the headers and deps so that resiprocate can be installed in a system-friendly way.

  Lastly, I've been all around the website and wiki, and haven't found
this aspect of things very well documented.  It seems like the
documentation was geared towards folks who already know what is going
on.  Is there documentation that I'm not aware of that covers this
sort of thing (a downloading and compile HOWTO, for example)?  If not,
I'm in a good position to write some, as I'm coming from a position of
complete ignorance.  What's the best place for that, the Wiki?  Would
that be useful?

Sigh. You are very right. We have a dearth of get started doc. (We have a doc shortage in general). We'd love your contributions to the Wiki and I (personally) think this is the 'right' place for them, but we need to agree on the formal home / policy of the wiki going forward... I know what Sipfoundry and the resiprocate project need to agree on the look & feel issues and support issues around the Wiki. Certainly any content in the Wiki will be migrated to the ultimate solution -- so it will not be effort wasted.

(Warning: If the answer is yes, be prepared for an onslaught of even
dumber questions as I try to formalize what puny knowledge I have
managed to amass :))

I consider ourselves happily warned.


No, Thank you.

* We've been 1/2 baked on the autotools issue for far too long. We (Jasomi) currently have someone fixing it up and getting it fix for use according to a game-plan that was decided on in a conference call around 9 months ago. Hopefully by the December tarball release date we'll have it sorted out).

Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate Project Administrator
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m