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Re: [reSIProcate] Getting up and going with testClient and testServer

Title: Re: [reSIProcate] Getting up and going with testClient and testServer

The configuration of TLS is stuff is very very ugly and it would be good to improve/redo this so ... with that warning ...

I use limpc for testing - it can send IM messages back and forth

If in one window you run

limpc -aor "sip:alice@xxxxxxxxx" -noRegister -port 5070

then in the other do a

echo hi | limpc -aor "sip:bob@xxxxxxxxx" -noRegister -port 5080 -to "sip:alice@xxxxxxxxx:5070"

you should see the IM arrive

-v and -vv are useful options

The aor sets the from and to sets where a message gets sen to and the noRegister tells it not to try to register

Once you get this going, try something like the following to do TLS

echo hi | limp -aor "sip:bob@xxxxxxxxx" -noRegister -tlsPort 5081 -to "sip:alice@xxxxxxxxx:5071;transport=tls" -noUdp -prefTls -port 5080 -v

  limp -aor "sip:alice@xxxxxxxxx" -noRegister -tlsPort 5071 -noUdp -prefTls -port 5070 -noV6 -v

You need to create a director ~/.sip ( you can cange this by setting SIP environment variable)
I forget what it is in windows but if you run it, you will see it try to load stuff and fail and you can see where it should be

in this directory root.pem is the CA cert.
id.pem and id_key.pem are used for S/MIME

identity and identity_key are used to compute the stuff in Identity draft

The _cert.pem is the public cert for TLS and _key.pem is the private key for tls

There is also a subdirectory called public_keys that contains public keys of other people used for S/MIME.

With the -v, you should see it do something like
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:431 | Loaded public CAs from /Users/fluffy/.sip/root.pem
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:341 | Loaded my public cert from /Users/fluffy/.sip/id.pem
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:642 | Loaded private key from /Users/fluffy/.sip/id_key.pem
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:392 | Loaded my public identity cert from /Users/fluffy/.sip/identity.pem
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:693 | Loaded private  identiy key from /Users/fluffy/.sip/identity_key.pem
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:580 | Loaded public key for meister@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:580 | Loaded public key for tat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:580 | Loaded public key for tofu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP:TRANSPORT | TransportSelector.cxx:143 | Adding transport: [ V4 TCP connectionId=0 ]
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP:TRANSPORT | TlsTransport.cxx:35 | Creating TLS transport for domain  interface= port=5071
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:431 | Loaded public CAs from /Users/fluffy/.sip/root.pem
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:341 | Loaded my public cert from /Users/fluffy/.sip/_cert.pem
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP | Security.cxx:642 | Loaded private key from /Users/fluffy/.sip/_key.pem
INFO | 1099441840 | limpc | RESIP:TRANSPORT | TlsTransport.cxx:44 | Listening for TLS connections on port 5071 ok=1

I know this is cryptic, but good luck. I attached a tar file with the stuff from a .sip directory that should likely work for you

On 10/26/04 4:48 PM, "Bryan Klisch" <bryank@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I’m new to reSIProcate.  I would just like to get a basic client/server communication going to step through the messaging and ultimately the TLS portion of the code.  I found the testServer and testClient apps and am trying to get them to communicate between two machines.
I simply can’t find the doc that describes what arguments to pass to these apps.  My unfamiliarity with the URI constructs is the larger problem.
For the server, I am just doing “testServer 0 1 TCP” to get it up and going.  I’m not confident of this because the trace mentions binding to  Here is the trace:
DEBUG | 20041026-164127.294 | chaos | testServer | SIP | 9600 | 1077044384 | Security.cxx:78 | Setting up SSL library
DEBUG | 20041026-164127.302 | chaos | testServer | TRANSPORT | 9600 | 1077044384 | Transport.cxx:86 | Creating fd=3 V4/TCP
DEBUG | 20041026-164127.302 | chaos | testServer | TRANSPORT | 9600 | 1077044384 | TcpBaseTransport.cxx:27 | Opening TCP 3 : 0x8198660
DEBUG | 20041026-164127.302 | chaos | testServer | TRANSPORT | 9600 | 1077044384 | Transport.cxx:94 | Binding to
INFO | 20041026-164127.303 | chaos | testServer | TRANSPORT | 9600 | 1077044384 | TransportSelector.cxx:112 | Adding transport: [ V4 , TCP ,transport=0 ,connectionId=0 ]
INFO | 20041026-164127.303 | chaos | testServer | TEST | 9600 | 1085439280 | testServer.cxx:38 | This is the Server
For the client I am having trouble setting the ‘target’ parameter that presumably sets up the server’s identity.  I’ve played around with a lot of different URI formats, but I haven’t found one that will connect to the server.
Does anybody have sample command lines for testServer and testClient?

resiprocate-devel mailing list

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