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[reSIProcate] Make system problem

I hit a fairly heinous makefile issue recently.  If you have CXXFLAGS or CFLAGS set as an environment variable, the cxxflags in the obj.debug... directory is rebuilt every compile, which causes a complete rebuild of all files.

The issue is most likely in makefile.post:

ifeq ($(CXXFLAGS),$(shell test -f $(OBJ)/cxxflags && cat $(OBJ)/cxxflags))
.PHONY: $(OBJ)/cxxflags

I don't speak make so I don't know how to fix it...is $CXXFLAGS colliding with the bash environment variable?

Also, the repro executable always rebuilds.  There doesn't seem to be dependency generation for TARGET_BINARY.  Does it just need the same rule for dependency generation that TESTPROGRAM has in  Makefile.post?
